Sunday, 9 October 2011

'The Effects of Modern Technology on Visual Art' Article

It's 4 years old, so it's like, TOTALLY out dated. but it's a good source for me so far

2nd Year BEGINS

and it starts with a presentation about the flux of design. whatever a flux is. i always just thought of as the intergral part of an awesome time machine.

I THINK we've been asked to talk about the changes of design and illustration through the years and how it's changing now.

I want to talk about how design changes and what designers do to move on.

Designers like Milton Glaser, famous for taking his major influences from past art and far away cultures.

I've also been assigned to talk about technology in design and illustration. I'd like to avoid talking too much about Photoshop because it's such an obvious and over used technology to talk about. but i think I'll have to mention it

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Final animation again

Just to tie up the project on the blog, heres the final animation again. ENJOY

Process Shots

I've just noticed there isn't a sketchbook hand-in and i have a few things in my sketchbook that i thing are important parts of preparation towards my final animation.

I stared with a few words that i thought of when listening to the music

these are some very early ideas. i thought about more obscure work at first.

And here are some images that i drew and found

Figuring out how to sort the background out. explained in a previous post

The 12 cells i had to make the circlular hand motion thing i used in the final video
Robot design ideas

Steam you make see through out the final video came from this drawing i scanned in and painted over

Wednesday, 27 April 2011


Here it is. I like it. not loads and loads, but i like it. it's been a very good starting point to get me used to the basics of after effects.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

City Cycle

And this is the genius wheel of landscape in action. I've already tried it in my animation and it works well. here it is on it's own

Walking cycle test